Release History
Release 5.0
The primary enhancements in
Release 5.0 include:
PARTNER® Endeavor 362EC Module can now be
used in Release 5.0. The module will still function
in the same manner, thus providing 3 analog CO
lines, 6 ETR only station ports, and 2 full function
ETR station ports with full tip/ring functionality.
● New 012E module that provides additional station
capacity. The addition of this new module in the
product line allows PARTNER ACS to now support 48
ETR stations.
● Remote administration functionality enhancements
Release 4.0
The primary enhancements in
Release 4.0 include:
Connection to local area networks (LANs)/wide
area networks (WANs)
● Corporate backbone, or multi-tenant hub, for
sharing of data and voice over twisted-pair copper
phone lines
● Business-ready symmetric digital subscriber line
(SDSL) with "always-on" Internet connectivity and
file uploads/downloads at up to 2 Mbps
● Voice over DSL (VoDSL) with the capacity of 16
simultaneous phone conversations
● Standard Caller ID providing both caller's name
and number
Release 3.0
The primary enhancements in Release
3.0 include:
Remote Access PC card
● Unique line ringing
● Fax tone detection
● Call screening
● Direct extension dialing (DXD) transfer to
calling group
● Enhanced programming procedures
● Record-a-call
● Remote administration and diagnostics
● Automatic Daylight Savings/Standard times
● Improved emergency numbers/forced account
code information
Release 2.0
The primary enhancements in
Release 2.0 include:
Increased line/extension capacity
● Caller ID logging
● Auto callback of logged calls
● Auto System Answer (ASA)/Direct Extension
Dialing (DXD) card
● 308EC line/station module
● Line pooling
● Call coverage
● SMDR talk time output
Release 1.0
This was the first release of the PARTNER® Advanced Communications System.
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